Brittique Brand Reps
Brittique is always looking for brand reps! Some of the benefits:
Discounted products, a discount code for your followers, and the potential to earn free items.
Your posts will be shared on multiple social media platforms as well as my websites. Aspiring photographers, models, and influencers will benefit from the additional exposure and reference.
As a rep, you will also be one of the first to know when Brittique is having a sale or has new products.

Brand Rep
A brand representative is someone who loves a specific brand and wants to help them grow organically by modeling their products. AKA brand enthusiasts/brand ambassadors.
Ideal Candidate
Be active on Instagram and at least 1 of the following: Facebook, Pinterest & Twitter. Accounts must be set to "public". Number & type of posts required will vary depending on which social media platforms you are engaged in. There are no minimum follower requirements, as the type of follower is more important than the quantity.
How does this all work?
If accepted, you will pay the shipping and upfront cost of a 10 pack of bobby pins in your favorite color(s). After fulfilling your obligations, you will receive a refund of 50% of the price of the bobby pins. The number and type of posts required will vary depending on which social media platforms you are engaged in. It will be approximately 2-3 photos with specific tags and hashtags. You'll get a special coupon code specific for your followers, and each time it's used, you'll earn more discounts and even free products.
What's the application process?
Head over to Brittique's Instagram page and share the brand rep photo. (Instructions will be in the comments section). Fill out the application found below. You will receive an e-mail from with the decision. Add that address to your contacts so it doesn't end up in your spam folder. If you're chosen, the e-mail will outline the specifics and include a contract and model release.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send an e-mail here.